
A Smart Product for Pet’s Meal!

A smart product made for pets’ meal will be introduced in today’s post.

▲ mookkie.com


The A.I. powered pet bowl

If you have multiple pets, feeding each one at right time is not easy.

In particular, when office workers have to leave for work, it is difficult to ensure each pet is given with their food in right amount and time. Also, it is hard to monitor whether one pet eats all of the food due to competition. 

Mookie” is an innovative product that can control pets' meal time using its facial recognition function. The time and amount of meal given for a specific pet can be controlled using this product, by being able to recognize the shape of an animal approaching the bowl.

When a pet registered for the bowl approaches, a covered lid will open and allow the pet to eat its meal.

As you can set the product to open its lid specific to one pet, any competition and stealing of food between pets can be prevented.

This product will be extremely useful for those who live alone and have pets.

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