
Approaching the climax, SK Innovation VS LG Chem

Endless battery war
There is no sign of ending the battery war between SK Innovation and LG Chem. Since SK Innovation's lawsuit against LG Chem on battery-related patent infringement in the US federal court, the two companies have not been backed down. As patent disputes between two companies continues inside and outside Korea, the battery disputes draws attention not only in Korea but also abroad.


A dispute becoming fight
The disputes between the two companies seem to be moving emotional fighting beyond just patent disputes.
The media reports on the positions of both companies, and recently, SK Innovation has unveiled the original text of the agreement signed with LG Chem. As LG Chem argues back, the emotional battle between the two companies is running to an extreme.

Open agreement and refute
The original text of the agreement disclosed by SK Innovation is an agreement related to a patent litigation in 2014, and according to SK Innovation, the agreement is about that the both companies wouldn’t have patent disputes in Korea and foreign countries. LG Chem insisted that the patent was a Korean patent, and the patent in the issue now is a US patent, which is irrelevant because it’s a separate patent with a different registered country and a different scope of rights.


Difficult to settle disputes
Not long ago, the heads of the two companies met in full force for agreement, but it was informed that they did not agree. In recent years, they have continued to stick to their guns on each other and eventually drive to reach extreme conditions. Refuting and refuting back, a lot of news coming out, with this current situation it seems hard to end.

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