
Amazon starts shipping with airships and drones?

Recently, Amazon's interesting video was released online. It was a video of an Amazon named airship floating in the sky and a drones coming out of an airship. Netizens are finally amazed that the delivery of the drones has come true, and they have expressed interest in like the carrier of the StarCraft computer game.


 Airship ships, real? fake?
Many people were concerned that the video of the Amazon airship was genuine or fake. However, the video was confirmed to be a precisely worked with CG. On April 1, April Fool's Day, a Japanese video producer uploaded a CG video of an Amazon airship to his SNS account, and after a while he uploaded a photo of the CG producing process and confirmed it was a fake video.


Amazon's airship shipping patents,
One of the biggest reasons why netizens thought it was real while watching the airship video is probably because Amazon owns a patent on shipping methods using airships and drones. Amazon's patent literature, which was released a few years ago, shows how to ship to a destination using airships and then deliver them individually using drone. There is already an article published on the news that Amazon is studying drones delivery, and it seems that many people thought that Amazon was made the video in real by the fact that Amazon owns the patent.

www.wipsglobal.com <WIPS patent search database>
drawing of Amazon's patent document

 Amazon makes you look forward to,
Although Amazon's airship images have turned out to be April Fools' Day funk, I think it might be possible for Amazon to actually deliver those ships. Amazon is doing a lot of research related to unmanned delivery using drone, and it has succeeded in test delivery. It is expected that Amazon, which is leading the innovation through various research and development, can actually deliver the airship or introduce more innovative delivery.

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