
A very efficient tool for Invalidity Search, Invalidation Advisor


  Invalidity search is a more rigorous prior art search for an invention for which a patent has already been granted. Through the invalidity search, the novelty and inventive step of the patent can be more clearly confirmed, and grounds for invalidation of the patent can also be found. In heated patent infringement disputes, this invalidity search can be a powerful defense.

  Patent invalidity search mainly refers to the prior arts search that can invalidate a patent based on claims of infringement of the patentee's rights. Because third parties actively conduct patent invalidity research in response to infringement claims by patent holders, they may find influential cited inventions that were not discovered by patent office examiners. The patent invalidity search includes not only a request for patent invalidity trial, but also a search of prior data to provide information or file an objection.

  Invalidity search differs from prior arts search before filing in that there is a specific target that is sought to be invalidated. Since the prior arts search before filing is for patentability, the search scope is very wide, and patent/non-patent literature from all over the world is subject to search, so the efficiency of the search cannot be considered high. In addition, since it takes 1 year and 6 months for patents to be published even similar technology, it may not be possible to find prior documents to confirm whether the first-to-file principle has been violated. On the other hand, invalidity search can narrow the scope of finding necessary data and conduct a more dense search compared to prior arts search before filing because a specific target patent exists and the technology or claims to be invalidated are clear.

  WIPS Global provides ‘Invalidation Advisor’ for efficient invalidity search. It is a tool that can be effectively used for detailed invalidity search work by enabling customized reviews for each user through a deep learning algorithm. Let's take a look now.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  Invalidation Advisor is the most useful tool when trying to invalidate a valid registered patent. If you enter the registration number that needs to be invalidated, WIPS' own logic will provide literature that can be used for citation references, starting with literature that requires necessary review.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  Search results can be sorted in the order of recommendation based on WIPS' own logic, or in order of high similarity between documents using a deep learning algorithm.

• Cited reference: 1 depth cited documents held by target patent and target patent’s patent family

• Recommended reference: 1,000 documents using target patent and family citations

• Additional reference: 1,000 documents using the technical classification of the target patent

If you select a patent, you can check the details. You can understand the technical details between reference documents and target patents without moving the screen.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

   My AI : You can use AI algorithms to create a customized list for each user. You can review documents by choosing similarity between documents with the target patent or keyword priority.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  Similarity priority : Documents are sorted in order of highest similarity. Similarity analysis is performed on the entire specification using a deep learning algorithm, and similarity figures are provided.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  Keyword priority : Users can review search results by setting keywords. Expanded keywords are provided for each keyword selected by the user, and the importance of each keyword can be set. Based on the keywords you set, the priorities of the documents are rearranged.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  IDS Check : IDS (Information Disclosure Statement) is a system that exists only in the United States that discloses all information related to patentability by submitting it to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. If you violate this, you may not be able to exercise patent rights in the United States even after patent registration, or it may become a major disadvantage in patent disputes. You can use the ‘IDS Check’ feature to check whether there is a reason for effect restriction due to violation of IDS obligations.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  Citation Matrix : You can check the correlation between the target patent and the 1-depth citations of the target patent's patent family. You can visually check which family documents and examination the documents provided in Cited Reference were used in.

wipsglobal.com> Invalidation Advisor

  In addition to this, there are many user-friendly features hidden throughout the Invalidation advisor. To facilitate continuous work, you can save the work as is based on the target patent, or take notes during work and save it immediately. You can drag and highlight text while reviewing details, or even write notes on individual drawings (picture above).

  Documents that need to be rechecked can be listed as important patents and checked all at once in ‘Note’. User-written notes and important patent lists can be downloaded in word format for reports.

 So far, we have looked at WIPS Global’s Invalidation Advisor feature.

Patent invalidity search is a difficult and important work of finding and analyzing the basis for claiming that the patentee's patent rights lack novelty or inventive step compared to the cited invention, so it is essential to find published patents in a database. For easier, faster and more efficient work, please try WIPS Global's Invalidation Advisor.

[International IP Briefing] EP, US


European Commission designates ‘Temu’ as a very large online platform under DSA

  On May 31, 2024, the European Commission announced that Temu has been designated as a very large online platform in accordance with the Digital Services Act (DSA) as it has an average of more than 45 million monthly users in the European Union.

  The DSA, which came into effect on February 17, 2024, mandates that digital service providers such as social media or marketplaces address the spread of illegal content, online misinformation and other social risks.

  So far, the EC has designated 24 Very Large Operating Platforms (VLOP) and Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSE) under the DSA.
- In detail

As ‘Temu’ is designated as a very large online platform, it must comply with regulations to properly evaluate and mitigate all systemic risks arising from the service such as the sale of counterfeit products, unsafe or illegal products and items that infringe intellectual property rights within 4 months (until the end of September 2024).

(1) Strengthen surveillance of illegal products

∙ ‘Temu’ must carefully analyze specific systemic risks resulting from the distribution of illegal content and products, and the design or function of services and related systems. Additionally, a risk assessment report must be submitted to the EC four months after notification of formal designation as a very large online platform.

∙ Temu must establish measures to address risks such as registration and sale of items that infringe intellectual property rights, counterfeit products, and unsafe products. Specifically, it includes improvements to the review process to quickly delete illegal products and algorithm improvements to prevent the promotion and sale of banned products.

(2) Strengthening consumer protection measures

∙ ‘Temu’ must configure the platform, including user interface, recommendation algorithm, and terms of service, to mitigate and prevent risks to consumer safety and welfare.

∙ Measures should be taken to protect consumers from purchasing unsafe or illegal products, with particular emphasis on preventing the sale and distribution of products that may be harmful to minors. Specifically, this includes introducing a robust age verification system to restrict the purchase of age-restricted items.

(3) Strengthening transparency and accountability

∙ ‘Temu’ must conduct an external independent audit every year to confirm risk assessment and compliance with all DSA obligations.


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US Copyright Office releases report on the impact of COVID-19 on the copyright industry

  On May 23, 2024, the United States Copyright Office (USCO) published the report, ‘The Resilience of Creativity: An Examination of the COVID-19 Impact on Copyright-Reliant Industries and Their Subsequent Recovery’1)

(1) Overview

∙ As the COVID-19 pandemic brings unprecedented disruption to copyright-related industries and jobs in the United States, this study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery on employment, profits, and creative works in industries that rely on copyright to understand the nature of this disruption.

∙ Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau related to 18 industries that produce types of copyrighted works registered with USCO were used in the study.

∙ Through this data, it is possible to identify which industries were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and which industries have returned to pre-COVID-19 pandemic trends.

(2) Main results

① Industries that rely on copyrights have experienced a significant downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the impact is less than that on the overall U.S. economy.

∙ From February to April 2020, industries dependent on copyright experienced a decrease of approximately 375,800 jobs (-11.5%), a decrease of approximately 4,000 copyright registrations (-11%), and a loss of $21.7 billion is experiencing a decline in profits (-5.5%).

∙ Meanwhile, the U.S. economy as a whole is experiencing a 30% higher rate of job loss than industries that rely on copyright.

② Industries that rely on copyrights are recovering much faster from the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic than the U.S. economy as a whole.

∙ By mid-2022, total employment levels had recovered from the economic impact of the pandemic, sales had recovered within 6 to 9 months, and copyright registrations had recovered within 1 to 3 months.

∙ The resilience of industries that rely on copyrights has been more resilient than that of the U.S. economy as a whole.

③ The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers in industries that rely on copyrights is greater than the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on companies and their investors that rely on copyrights.

∙ Employment levels in most industries on copyright showed an average decline (-11%), and sales recovered much faster than employment.

∙ While sales remain above pre-pandemic trends through 2021 and 2022, making up for much of the early pandemic sales losses, employment has not experienced such a surge since the recovery.

④ There is significant variation in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by industry.

∙ Industries that require personal accessibility between employees or between employees and consumers, such as photo studios, the film industry, and performance companies, are being hit the hardest.

∙ On the other hand, industries related to computers and the Internet have suffered the least shock and are recovering faster than other industries.


1) For the original text of this report, please refer to the following link, https://www.copyright.gov/economic-research/resilience-of-creativity/resilience-of-creativity-full-report.pdf

< source of this post >



Automotive display patents


  If you look at the interiors of recent cars, there are a lot of really fancy and cool interior looks. In particular, the ever-evolving instrument panel, or display, is particularly eye-catching. It is said that car displays so far have gone beyond simply showing speed and information and have now developed into multi-platforms where OTT and games can also be enjoyed.

  In this issue, we will learn about automotive displays and its patented technologies which has been rapidly developing.


Conventional car display

  In fact, I think it would be more correct to call it an instrument panel rather than a display in the beginning. The instrument panel, which originated in 1910 when Ford Motor Company adopted the speedometer as a standard feature, contained only essential information such as speed, fuel gauge, and turn signals, but as automobile technology gradually developed, it continued to evolve into an analog instrument panel.

Early automobile instrument panel

  Afterwards, in the 1980s, analog instrument panel evolved further. A digital instrument panel filled with digital numbers has appeared on the LCD window. Thanks to the LCD window, the driver's visibility has improved and a variety of information are able to be provided, from the possible driving distance to interior and exterior temperatures, and the radio channel being played.

Digital LCD instrument panel

Automotive display evolved into a multi-platform

  Automotive dashboards and displays, which used to provide only simple information, have also improved significantly with technological advancements. From full LCD to flexible displays that were only seen on TV, automobile dashboards have now been completely digitized and have evolved into a multi-platform where you can enjoy a variety of content such as OTT and games. In particular, Tesla is equipped with a large display similar to the iPad, delivering detailed information and providing aesthetics at the same time. In addition, other automakers are actively using the improved quality of displays to create an environment where people can enjoy entertainment content by installing subscription-based OTT channels such as Netflix and YouTube.

(Left) Tesla (source: www.tesla.com/ko kr)
(Right) BMW (source: www.bmw.co.kr)

  In the past, you had to go to a drive-in theater far away to watch a movie in your car, but now we live in an era where a drive-in theater can be found wherever you go.

What kind of technologies have been filed for automotive displays?

AR is in my car - HUD

  AR, or augmented reality, is a computer graphics technique that makes virtual objects or information look like objects. Surprisingly, the first place to adopt this AR was military weapon systems. AR was applied to provide necessary information to pilots, such as driving path, radar in all directions, and enemy detection, in the form of an instrument panel on the pilot window of fighter jets and tanks.

HUD of a fighter jet 
(source: Namu Wiki)

  But now AR has become an essential feature of cars. In cars, it is called ‘Head Up Display’, or HUD. It outputs navigation information on the driver's front window and displays various information such as rear cross-traffic alert and lane departure alert.

Car's HUD running
(source: hankyung.com)

Let’s take a look at Hyundai Mobis’ HUD technology.

  This device is a combiner type, which is an early version of HUD. There is a tilt at the bottom of the device to raise the combiner, so when you start the car, the display goes up and necessary information appears, and when you turn off the car, the display goes down again.

KR10-2018-0044306, Head up display apparatus for vehicle

  Hyundai Motor Company also developed a later version of HUD. They said that information is reflected on the windshield of the car without a separate window as before. It’s made it increasing driver’s convenience and the amount of transmitted information.

KR10-2021-0178096, Head up display apparatus

The entire dashboard becomes a display.

  All of the displays introduced earlier were only applied to the driver's seat or the center of the vehicle. Nowadays, we live in a world where the entire front dashboard of a vehicle is used as a display.

 Let’s take a look at the display developed by LG Display.

  This technology is a bar-type display that extends from the instrument panel all the way to the front passenger seat. This technology is said to provide real-time information to the driver and the passengers next to the driver, ranging from basic driving information to various driving assistance systems such as forward obstacle shooting, navigation, and remote user terminals.

KR10-2015-0093846, Bar type display apparatus and vehicle comprising the same

  In fact, you can see that the entire front is filled with this expansive bar-type display at the recently released ‘Lincoln Nautilus 2024’.

Lincoln Nautilus with bar-type display
(source: www.lincoln-korea.com/vehicles/nautilus)

Now, driver can extend and reduce the displays.

  We’ve seen flexible displays in TVs and smartphones, but it’s also possible in cars. Until now, vehicle displays were fixed, but now drivers can extend and reduce them by themselves.

 LG Electronics developed a flexible display. This display protrudes above the dashboard during driving, and the driver can lower the display themselves if the driver’s sight is obstructed or uncomfortable while driving.

KR10-2020-0002706, Display apparatus vehicle

  The full stretched screen can be used for watching videos or navigation, and by folding or lowering the screen, the bottom can be used as a keyboard and the top can be a screen, making it even more useful in limited car space.

  Hyundai Mobis has also developed a rollable display that can be easily unrolled and rolled up. They said that this technology is able to effectively prevent the screen from bending due to the driver's mistouch or vehicle vibration even when the screen is unwinded from the display roller.

KR10-2021-0098831, Rollable display device for vehicle

How far will automotive displays develop?

  This time, we learned about the patented technologies of automotive displays. With the advancement of display technology, we have now become a world where we can enjoy various entertainment contents even in cars. Now, it would be a good idea to continue watching the evolution of automotive displays, which are expected to be the most spectacular and notable development in the automotive electronic parts industry.



AI DABUS vs KIPO, the decision of the 2nd trial


Last month, in Korea, there was a lawsuit to revoke the invalidity of two patents invented by the artificial intelligence AI, ‘Dabus’, over the question of ‘Can AI also be an inventor?’ The results of this lawsuit were recently announced. What was the ending?


The whole story until the appeal

  In September 2019, American AI developer Thaler Stephen applied for patents in 16 countries around the world, including Korea, claiming that Dabus, the AI ​​platform he developed, had invented a food container and two nerve stimulation lamps.

 However, the Korean Intellectual Property Office invalidated the patent application, saying, ‘Administratively, only natural persons are considered as inventors.’ Taylor filed an administrative lawsuit against the Korean Intellectual Property Office’s decision. This was the first lawsuit in Asia.

Seoul Administrative Court
(source: Yonhap News)

  In the end, the Seoul Administrative Court sided with the Korean Intellectual Property Office in the first trial, saying that AI is a product and cannot recognize independent rights. However, Taylor appealed again and the second trial was held again last month.

Conclusion of 2nd trial

  So what happened in the second trial? The results of the second trial also showed no change. The Seoul High Court ruled that AI was not recognized as an inventor on the grounds that only humans are recognized as inventors under current law. This is the second plaintiff's defeat, following the first trial ruling issued by the Seoul Administrative Court in June last year.

Seoul High Court
(source: BBS NEWS)

  Previously, the first trial court said, ‘In the patent law document system, the inventor is specified as the ‘person’ who made the invention, and this clearly means only natural people,’ and it is difficult to say that AI has reached a technological level where it can independently invent without human help or intervention. The basis for the ruling was stated that a significant portion of human contribution can be confirmed in the patent invention process for which Taylor applied.

  It's not much different in other countries.

 The debate over whether to recognize AI Dabus as the true inventor is already underway not only in Korea but also in many countries. The day before the Korean second trial ruling, there was also a ruling in Japan on the lawsuit filed by Taylor. Japan also sided with the Japan Patent Office on the grounds that ‘inventions are limited to objects produced through human creative activity, and the current law does not reflect social and economic changes caused by AI.’

 In the United States, Europe, Australia, and the United Kingdom, the Supreme Court, which is the final court in each country, has confirmed that AI will not be recognized as an inventor, and only the German Supreme Court is currently pending, but it is expected that the same result as in other countries will come out.

 <Progress of lawsuits related to patent applications by AI inventor, DaBus in major countries>

(source: Press release from Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO))

AI may be recognized as an inventor sooner than expected

  Most countries, including Korea, still do not recognize AI as an inventor. However, in some advanced patent countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, there are growing voices calling for urgent changes in the patent world and law revisions to properly reflect the rapid growth of AI. In this Dabus controversy, there was also an opinion that a different result would have been obtained if the application had been filed with Thaler as the inventor and Dabus as the invention tool.

  Ultimately, patent offices in each country are making various efforts to reflect the trend of the times. South Korea will also reflect the Dabus controversy at the ‘IP5 Patent Office Directors’ Meeting’ to be held in Seoul and conduct in-depth discussions on improving the AI-related patent system along with the announcement of a public survey on AI inventors.
